Borriello Brothers
15910 Jackson Creek Pkwy
Monument, CO 80132
Phone: (719) 884-2020
Prices: $$$$
Beware when ordering "specials" and adding extra ingredients. Our $10 18" one-topping pizza specials skyrocketed to $19 because the $1 extra toppings we were quoted turned out to be $3 each on an 18" pizza.
The pizza is average and the Genoa salami I paid extra for as a "specialty topping" was used very sparingly. I may as well have ordered a cheese pizza because there was hardly any of the up-charged salami anywhere to be found.
My son is vegan and ordered his pizza without cheese, but having added red pepper, roasted tomato and fresh basil, the "$10 special" ballooned to $19. I can buy an entire basil plant for a little more than $3, so charging that much for a few measly leaves is unconscionable. His pizza was also burnt on the bottom, so we had to wait an additional 20 minutes to get an edible pizza while mine grew cold to the touch.
It is difficult to find good pizza anywhere but on the right and left coasts and I was left unimpressed after this experience. My son also told me that the last time he went there he asked if he could substitute an additional topping seeing that he cannot eat cheese and asked that the mozzarella be excluded, but he was told, "no you cannot" ... UNSAT.
CombatCritic Gives Borriello Brothers 4 Bombs Out Of 10 ... More Bombs Are Better!
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Title: Oh Brothers, $19 For A $10 Pizza Special?
Key Words: Borriello Brothers, Borriello, brothers, brother, pizza, pasta, Colorado Springs, Colorado, springs, CombatCritic, TravelValue, travel, value, restaurant, menu, review, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Zomato
Translation for Civilians: BOHICA = "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again"
Four Bombs Equates To:
Follow CombatCritic on ...Yelp - "Elite '14/'15"
TripAdvisor - "Top Contributor" ... 60,000+ Readers And Growing!
Tabelog - "Official Judge (Bronze)
Zomato - "#1 Ranked Foodie"
TravelValue eZine ... 85,000+ Visitors - Rising Exponentially
... And Don't Forget To Subscribe To TravelValue TV on YouTube
Title: Oh Brothers, $19 For A $10 Pizza Special?
Key Words: Borriello Brothers, Borriello, brothers, brother, pizza, pasta, Colorado Springs, Colorado, springs, CombatCritic, TravelValue, travel, value, restaurant, menu, review, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Zomato
Translation for Civilians: BOHICA = "Bend Over, Here It Comes Again"
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