Pizza Shuttle
1601 W. 23rd Street
Lawrence, KS 66046
Phone: (785) 842-1212
I will not waste my time reviewing a business that totally lacks integrity, so I will ignore the food, delivery, etc. at Pizza Shuttle and focus only on the matter at hand ... fraudulent business practices.
I ordered two 14" one-topping pizzas online from Pizza Shuttle (through Eat Street - where I was automatically directed) at a price of $15.18 (including $1.38 for extra cheese on my pizza).
My wife is allergic to tomatoes, so I asked for olive oil on her pizza instead of tomato sauce, a request that every pizza place we have ever ordered from has gladly and "free"ly complied with. With tax at $1.45 and delivery at $1.50, the total came to $18.13 as you can see on my receipt and order confirmations (online and email) below.
As you can clearly see, the online and email confirmations listed a total of $18.13 including tax and delivery, but when the Pizza Shuttle driver arrived he stated the total was $22.25, an additional $4.07 "due to my wife being allergic to tomatoes and substituting olive oil for tomato sauce". Nobody bothered calling to inform us of the ridiculous $4+ upcharge and when the driver called the manager to confirm the discrepancy, the manager merely stated "that's the way it is, it's Eat Street's problem, not ours".
I paid the driver the extra $4.07 (because it was not his fault and he does not get paid enough to argue with irate customers) and tipped him an additional $1.75, stating "your tip would have been much larger if your manager wasn't such an a**hole. Tell him to read my review on and on Yelp ... it won't be pretty!"
Never again, Pizza Shuttle or Eat Street, once and I am done.
Postscript (aka P.S.): Pizza Shuttle's owner gave me a call shortly after my review posted and apologized profusely for my experience. He told me that there was no excuse, BUT it was a busier night than usual and that my order for olive oil instead of tomato got confused as "extra toppings" rather than a sub for tomatoes which my wife is allergic to. He sent me a check for $5 to cover the overcharge (which I will not cash because I have a strict policy of not accepting "freebies" or other forms of compensation from businesses I review in order to maintain my reputation and the perception of objectivity by my readers) and asked me to please give them another try. So, "never say never". I may try Pizza Shuttle again because of their gracious and customer oriented owner and will let you know how it goes. However, this review will not be changed and, therefore ...
CombatCritic Gives Pizza Shuttle And Eat Street 1 Bomb Out Of 10 And A Spot On My WALL OF SHAME FOR ZERO INTEGRITY ... Nuff Said!
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Yelp - Elite '14/'15/'16
Tabelog - Official Judge (Bronze)
Zomato - #1 Ranked Foodie
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Title: Lawrence, KS: Pizza Shuttle Stands For ZERO INTEGRITY And Earns A Spot On My "WALL OF SHAME"
Key Words: Pizza Shuttle, pizza, shuttle, delivery, fraud, EatStreet,, Lawrence, Kansas, 23rd, CombatCritic, TravelValue, travel, value, restaurant, menu, review, Yelp, Zomato, Tabelog
Translation for Civilians: FUBAR = "Fucked Up Beyond All Repair"
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